Dad and I stayed in Alabama for Thanksgiving while Mik and Mom enjoyed it in Chicago. Dad and my main plan for Thanksgiving for weeks had been to go fishing, which originally meant taking the boat out. However, last week we found out about an affordable lake house with boathouse for rent and instead all we did with the boat was move it to the garage at the house we rented through the end of 2014. First Dad had to bail the ice and water out of it, though.

Good thing we moved it to the heated garage on Wednesday, though, as Thanksgiving morning we woke up to it being 17 (it was not even forecasted to get below 25!), which is when I found the rain gauge frozen since I had not emptied it from the rain we got earlier this week.
On Thanksgiving we did fish some for crappie from the boathouse and we had the right stuff to do it. However, we did not last long because it was cold and we were not getting any bites. Gave up after about an hour when I got my jig stuck on the bottom and we had to break the line. Decided to go back up to the house and start decorating for Christmas rather than hook up another jig.
Until last week we weren't going to do a Christmas tree this year even though we always planned to do Christmas in Alabama. We just did not have room in our house with two rooms still full of boxes and the living room crowded as is. However, now that we rented the lake house we have plenty of room and we have decided we will do Christmas there.
On Wednesday, Dad and I went up in the attic and brought down what we thought was all the Christmas decorations. When we got to decorating, though, we found we were missing the most important box, which was the one with the Disney decorations and that includes everything for the tree. Thus, we had to make a trip back to town to search through storage and the attic and finally located them in the final possible box in the back of the attic. Still have not located any of the inflatable penguins for putting out in the yard here, although they could be in one of the cardboard boxes in Dad's office.

As Dad cooked up the salmon, green beans, and sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner, I decorated the Christmas tree and decorated part of the bar between living room and kitchen. Dad also put the Southwest Nativity set on the bar and as the only one tall enough to put the topper on he got to put the topper on the tree, too.

I also put some of our stockings up, but somehow I only found three and two stocking holders. No idea if we even have more stocking holders, but we ought to have more stockings because two of the three were mine and I also remember having two for Mom.
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