Monday, January 30, 2017

Ranger Dan: 39.1 Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial

Date of Visit: January 30, 2017

See full list of Ranger Dan's National Parks Visited here.

Ranger Dan: 12.2 Thomas Jefferson Memorial

Date of Visit: January 30, 2017

Snow and Jefferson Memorial

Winter Sunrise View of Jefferson Memorial Across Tidal Basin

Previous Visits to this Unit:

See full list of Ranger Dan's National Parks Visited here.

Ranger Dan: 14.2 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial

Date of Visit: January 30, 2017

Breadline in the Snow

Previous Visits to this Unit:

See full list of Ranger Dan's National Parks Visited here.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Ranger Dan: National Postal Museum: Trailblazing 100 Years of Our National Parks

Date of Visit: January 12, 2017

Wheelchair Travel Adventures blog post about our visit here.

Trailblazing: 100 Years of Our National Parks exhibit sign

Greetings from the National Postal Museum sign

See full list of Ranger Dan's National Parks Visited here.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Ranger Dan: 38.1 Theodore Roosevelt Island

Date of Visit: January 5, 2017

Welcome to Theodore Roosevelt Island Sign

Theodore Roosevelt Statue

See full list of Ranger Dan's National Parks Visited here.