Saturday, April 13, 2019

Ranger Dan: 40.8 The White House and President's Park - Spring Garden Tour 2019

Date of Visit: April 13, 2019

White Oak planted by Bill & Hillary Clinton

Silver Linden planted by George W. & Laura Bush

Ronald Reagan planting Willow Oak

South Portico

South Lawn view of Washington Monument and Jefferson Memorial

South Portico

Rose Garden

Cedar of Lebanon planted by Jimmy Carter

White House from South Lawn

White House from South Lawn

Japanese Maple planted by Rosalynn Carter

South Lawn Fountain

South Lawn Fountain and Washington Monument

Tulips and Washington Monument from South Lawn

White House Beehive (to left barely in photo)

Kitchen Garden
Previous Visits to this Unit:

See full list of Ranger Dan's National Parks Visited here.

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