Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Mini Golf Adventures: Jurassic Golf - Ice Age

Date of Visit: May 2, 2021

Location: Jurassic Golf, Myrtle Beach, SC

Course: Ice Age

This was our first time playing with the cards. While Mik isn't interested in mini golf, after playing this Ice Age course I keep trying to get him to at least try this one as it is an accessible course that actually seems quite easy to navigate and play.

Dad playing with hand.

Mom being obstacle.

Dad being obstacle.

Behind the Back

Topsy Turvy

Nora being "obstacle."

Kirsten playing with hand.

Final Scores (Par 43)

  • Nora - 65
  • Kirsten - 50
  • Kjersti - 52
  • Mom - 50
  • Dad - 44
See full list of our Mini Golf Adventures here.

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