Saturday, June 22, 2024

Our Koffee Trail: Aspen Coffee

Aspen Coffee building

Date of Visit: June 19, 2024

Location: Aspen Coffee, Edmond, OK

We had skipped getting any coffee earlier this day because after having to start our day with an unplanned oil change we did not want to waste any more time getting on the road and hitting Pops. After we were back on the road from Pops, we decided to find whatever was the closest coffee shop without going off the route to Tucson. We actually thought we'd probably end up at Starbucks, but Apsen Coffee ended up being the closest and no more of a detour than a usual food or gas stop off an exit. 

holding my vanilla cinnamon iced latte

I had a Vanilla Cinnamon Iced Latte.

See full list of Our Koffee Trail stops here and Our Koffee Trail Google Maps list here.

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